The mobile application supporting conferences and training courses organized by the Chamber of Commerce Polish District Heating is a way for a modern, efficient exchange of information between the organizers and participants of these events. In addition to communicating the current information related to the meeting, also allows you to get feedback from the participants, as well as the interactions among all users.For each of the events that are in the application uczestnicty receive a set of organizational information such as location, time, transportation, agedna, hotels, speakers, contact persons, etc. Users can easily use this information to evaluate the different elements of the program and ask questions to the speakers. With this application, it is also possible INTERACTIONS between users via social media tools and the ability to arrange meetings.The mobile application Heat Polish Chamber of Commerce is a tool for streamlining the implementation of statutory objectives such as integrating the environment natural and legal persons connected with heat or the promotion of modern technical and economic knowledge. It is also a way of getting the information directly to the participants of the event, through the use of mobile technology, which uses every day each of us.Copyright: Mobile Madness Sp. o.o., Chamber of Commerce Polish District Heating in 2018